Vision, Mission and Goals
Vision, Mission and Goals


Spearhead in consolidation, coordination and implementation of all initiatives in support of the university’s other interdisciplinary research centers working towards climate change mitigation and in attaining low carbon university status of UPLB.

Be the national leader in LCA studies and science-based policy recommendations in response to the country’s commitment in achieving its intended nationally-determined contribution (INDC).

Serve as a repository of researches, data, information and policies related to LCA.

Be the national certifying body on carbon, water, energy labeling, and other life cycle assessment studies.

Instigate life cycle thinking and awareness through capacity building, information and education campaign; and mainstream curricular development to foster green economy in the country.


UPLB-ILCAL is envisioned to be a duly recognized national center for life cycle assessment studies towards the development of sustainable ecosystem services, technologies and commodities in the country.


Integrate life cycle thinking in ecosystem services, technology and commodity development, marketing, strategic planning, and policy-making for a more sustainable future through outstanding and relevant interdisciplinary LCA researches, effective information and education campaign, enabling policy, strong national and international linkages and continuous capacity-building.