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UPLB ILCAL Works on a Groundbreaking Research on Sustainable Rice Production in the Philippines
The University of the Philippines Los Baños Interdisciplinary Life Cycle Assessment Laboratory (UPLB ILCAL) team is working on a pioneering research project aimed at transforming rice farming practices and promoting sustainability. This three-year research project “Rice Straw Biogas Hub” is funded by Innovate UK and in collaboration with Straw Innovations Ltd., Aston University, Koolmill Company and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA).

At the core of this initiative is the endeavor to unlock the potential of rice straw, a byproduct of rice cultivation, in crafting innovative solutions for sustainable farming. UPLB ILCAL is tasked with conducting greenhouse gas analysis using cutting-edge technology, a Gasmet GT5000 Terra gas analyzer connected to two automated Eosense soil flux chambers. These chambers, placed within a leased rice field in Victoria, Laguna, monitor greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire rice cultivation cycle.

The field in Victoria, Laguna, serves as a living laboratory for the project, with a local farmer-caretaker contracted to assist in ensuring the safety of the equipment. The rice plot has been divided into two subplots: one employing conventional farming practices, including the incorporation of rice stubbles into the soil, and the other adopting innovative methods aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by removing rice stubbles. GHG measurements were conducted before and after land preparation activities, with ongoing monitoring of emissions during rice cultivation.

Data collected from surveys and key informant interviews are being analyzed to establish baseline emissions. By comparing emissions from fields employing conventional practices with those partnering with Straw Innovations, the research team aims to quantify carbon savings potential. This data will inform environmental and life cycle assessments, providing valuable insights into the overall sustainability of the proposed low-carbon system.

The "Rice Straw Biogas Hub" project represents a significant step towards promoting sustainable agriculture in the Philippines and beyond. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative research methods, UPLB ILCAL, together with research partners from the project, is paving the way for a greener future for rice farming. As the project progresses, its findings are expected to have far-reaching implications, offering practical solutions to mitigate the environmental impact of agriculture while ensuring food security and livelihoods for farming communities.

- Engr. Czaneil C. Gomez
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